
AlphaNet, Inc. was founded in 1995 by 3 Alphas and according to our bylaws at least 50% of our board members must be either diagnosed with Alpha-1, known carriers of the gene for Alpha-1, or the spouse, child, or parent of a person diagnosed with Alpha-1. Our Board of Directors is focused on the provision of comprehensive health management services to individuals affected by Alpha-1, which includes contributing toward the advancement of clinical research, public and patient education, and health management.

Board Officers

Dell Witcher


Vestavia Hills, AL

Miekeleen Hart

Vice Chair

Akron, OH

Grant Wood


Salt Lake City, UT

Robert Greene, Jr.

Immediate Past Chair

Wyoming, MI

Board Members

Mark Delvaux

President and Chief Executive Officer

Coral Gables, FL

Charles "Tim" Frost


Vienna, VA

Albert Garcia

Board Member

Miami, FL

Diana Patterson


Colfax, LA

David Pusey


Fort Collins, CO

Robert Sandhaus, MD, PhD, FCCP

Senior Medical Director and Executive VP

Bow Mar, CO


Our corporate staff enables us to meet our mission of improving the lives of individuals affected by Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency.

Corporate Staff

Mark Delvaux

President and Chief Executive Officer

Christine Lanser Yllanes

Director of Communications

Victoria Vaccaro

Director of Human Resources

Carol Morse

Director of Strategy Implementation

Veronika Dosseva


Christen Chacon

Digital Marketing Manager

Sheri Allison

IT Manager

Terri Schroth

IT Business Analyst

Curtis Christensen

IT Network Administrator

Natalie Gonzalez

Communications Coordinator

Kelly Reyes

Payroll Administrator

Kathie Sivesind
Kathie Sivesind

Logistics Coordinator

Paul Kludt

Special Projects Manager


Each AlphaNet Coordinator has Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency and, thus, is able to uniquely understand the issues and concerns of other individuals living with Alpha-1. AlphaNet Coordinators are spread across the United States and subscribers to AlphaNet are assigned to a specific AlphaNet Coordinator based on the augmentation therapy prescribed and their geographic location.

Find a specific Coordinator