Arkansas (716-72025)
Infusion Product
(844) 845-5897
Hello, my name is Carla Ladig and I would like to introduce myself as your AlphaNet Coordinator.
I was diagnosed with Alpha-1 in October 2013 after being admitted to the hospital with a spontaneous pneumothorax. Someone was certainly looking out for me because the Nurse Practitioner on call that night was a carrier. She recognized my symptoms immediately which led to my testing! I am proud to say that after 22 years, I was able to quit smoking on that very same day. I started augmentation therapy that December, and I am pleased to report that my pulmonary function tests have either remained the same or have shown slight improvement.
I truly feel like my diagnosis was a blessing in my life and to celebrate it even further, in 2015, I married my husband Mel on the anniversary of my diagnosis. We reside in Fort Wayne, Indiana with my two boys, Kyle (human) and Finn (dog).
I was inspired to join the AlphaNet family because of the support I received from my own Coordinator. He was my first Alpha contact after my diagnosis, and it helped me immensely to know that I had someone I could talk to that would “get it.” AlphaNet has provided me the opportunity to refocus my customer service experience in a way that gives me the satisfaction of knowing that I am able to make a difference. I look forward to talking with you and answering any questions you might have, so please feel free to contact me!