Georgia (304, 310, 315-317 and 398), Florida, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands
Infusion Product
(855) 814-3974
Hello, my name is Lisa Kosak, and I would like to take the time to introduce myself as your AlphaNet Coordinator.
I currently live in Vero Beach, FL. I was born and raised in Northeast Minneapolis, moved to Colorado in 1996, and then found myself down in Florida after being diagnosed with Alpha-1. I have 2 boys that are grown; one just graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Accounting and Finance, the younger is currently studying the same.
As well as being a Coordinator, I still run my company, Copy Plus Inc., which is located in Colorado. I have gained a lot of amazing experience during my time as a business owner and was on the right path until I began having issues with my breathing. It took just over a year to diagnose me with Alpha-1. In 2007, I was diagnosed at National Jewish Hospital in Denver and moved to Florida in 2008. Our home in Colorado was located at an elevation of over 7000 feet, which in turn was really hurting my lungs. I packed up all of our belongings and moved down to sea level. My breathing has improved dramatically with the decrease in elevation.
I have been fortunate to meet some incredible people during my time as an AlphaNet Coordinator. I look forward to helping others and have found that by others sharing their experiences with me that I have learned so much as well.