Food is Fuel
Understanding the role food plays in your general health as a lung-affected Alpha can help you make the right decisions at mealtime. Maintaining the right balance of essential nutrients can make all the difference in how you feel in the long run. For individuals with COPD and other lung conditions, a healthy diet is especially important because:
- The extra labor required to breathe results in increased nutritional requirements
- Unintentional weight loss resulting from poor nutrition can further weaken respiratory muscles
- Maintaining a good nutritional status can help prevent infection
- Poor nutrition can worsen the symptoms of COPD and decrease exercise tolerance
Here are some things to keep in mind when curating your diet:
Make Sure You Get Enough Protein
Protein plays an essential role in protecting the body by helping to produce antibodies that fight off infection. Not getting enough protein in your diet can compromise the ability of the lungs to defend against infection.
The primary sources of protein in your diet should be meat, fish, eggs, poultry, legumes (beans), and dairy products. You should be consuming about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. One serving of protein is equivalent to:
- 3 oz of meat or fish (equivalent to the size of your palm or a deck of cards)
- One egg
- ½ cup of beans or legumes
Don’t Avoid Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates provide the fuel supply you need for physical exertion, such as walking and lifting. Complex carbohydrates should provide the greatest proportion of calories in a healthy diet, about half of your daily calorie allowance should come from carbs alone. One 15 gram serving of carbohydrates is equivalent to:
- one slice of bread
- a small piece of fruit
- 1/3 cup of cooked pasta
Keep Fiber in Mind
Fiber is the carbohydrate part of the plant that human digestive enzymes cannot break down. Dietary fibers are found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and whole grains. Fiber helps to maintain normal bowel function and prevent constipation. For people with COPD, it is especially important to avoid constipation as it can cause bloating and pressure in the space below the diaphragm. This prevents the diaphragm from moving as far down as normal and also prevents the lungs from filling to their normal capacity. This results in more shortness of breath. A high fiber diet also may help to prevent diverticulosis and obesity.
Be sure to increase fiber in your diet gradually to avoid flatulence (gassiness) and drink adequate amounts of fluid. Eat at least two servings of fresh fruit and three servings of vegetables every day. Choose whole-grain crackers and high fiber cereals. Your total dietary intake of fiber should be between 20-35 grams per day. An example of what to eat in one day to help you get enough fiber includes: eating 1 cup of all-bran cereal for breakfast, a sandwich with two slices of whole-grain bread and 1 medium apple for lunch, and 1 cup of peas, dried beans, or lentils at dinner.
Avoid Dehydration
Adequate fluid intake is essential for the thinning and clearance of your pulmonary secretions. Additionally, supplemental oxygen therapy may dry your mucus membranes and cause irritation. Fluids keep you hydrated. The recommended fluid intake for people with COPD is from 8 to 12 cups of caffeine-free liquids per day (a total of 64 to 86 oz).
Water is essential to the body. Drinking plain water may be your best source of fluid. Fruit juices, decaffeinated coffee, and tea are also good sources. Milk is also a good source of fluid, with the added benefit of providing many healthy nutrients. Check with your healthcare provider or nutritionist for the amount of fluid that you should drink each day.
Count Calories If Needed
Most American adults need about 2000 calories per day to maintain their weight. But while some people find that they need to count calories to make sure they are not going over their daily allotment, for many lung-affected Alphas the opposite is true. COPD and other lung diseases cause breathing to be extra laborious – which burns extra calories. This is why unintentional weight loss affects as many as 40 to 70 percent of individuals with COPD.
An individual without respiratory disease will use approximately 100 calories per day in expanding and contracting the muscles involved with breathing. A person with COPD, however, may require as many as 430-720 calories a day just for the work of breathing. This is true even if they are unaware of this extra work. Therefore it’s important for lung-affected Alphas to account for this extra calorie demand and make sure they do not become underweight which can lead to a loss of muscle mass and can result in a loss of respiratory muscle strength over time.
If you’re a lung-affected Alpha who is currently overweight, losing weight safely may help you breathe easier. Excess weight can impair your ability to expand the chest and breathe properly, increases your chances of developing other medical conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes, adds to the body’s demand for oxygen, and increases your risk for cardiac disease.
Whether your goal is to lose or gain weight, always consult your physician before making major changes to your diet.
Best Foods for Lung Health
While sticking to a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates is a basic rule to follow, there are some foods you can add to your diet that may contribute to better lung health:
Beets: Beets are rich in nitrates which have been shown to relax blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, and optimize oxygen uptake.
Apples: Rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, eating apples has been shown to promote lung function and lower asthma and lung cancer risk. Eating five or more per week is associated with a reduced risk of developing COPD.
Turmeric: The primary active component in turmeric, curcumin, has been shown to benefit lung function.
Pumpkin: The high number of carotenoids in pumpkin makes it a great choice for those who are affected by lung conditions. Carotenoids like beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxathin have strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that help promote lung health and may even help prevent some cancers.
Oysters: Oysters are high in copper and selenium, nutrients associated with better lung function.
Green leafy vegetables: Leafy greens like kale, swiss chard, and spinach are high in magnesium which has been associated with improved lung function while low magnesium levels are associated with worsening symptoms in those with COPD.
Tomatoes: Rich in lycopene, a carotenoid that has been associated with improved lung function, consuming tomatoes and tomato products has been linked to reduced lung decline and airway inflammation.
Brazil nuts: Brazil nuts are high in selenium which may help protect against lung cancer and improve lung function in those with asthma.
Omega-3-rich fish: Eating more Omega-3s, found in fish like anchovies, sardines, salmon, and cod, is associated with reduced COPD symptoms and improved lung function.
Red cabbage: Red cabbage is high in fiber and anthocyanins, a plant pigment that gives the cabbage its signature color and is associated with a reduced decline in lung function.
Dark chocolate: The cocoa found in dark chocolate is high in flavonoid antioxidants and a compound called theobromine, which helps relax the airways in the lungs.
Coffee & Green tea: Both coffee and green tea are rich in antioxidants and caffeine which may benefit lung function.
Make the Most of Mealtimes
If you find that your appetite is waning or that the idea of sitting down for a meal is causing you stress, try out the tips below to put some enjoyment back into your mealtimes:
- Make mealtime extra special: Play your favorite music, light a candle, and avoid discussing stressful topics at the table to make mealtimes a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
- Make sure you’re comfortable: Sit in a high-backed chair and lean your elbows on the table to avoid putting too much pressure on your lungs.
- Eat smaller meals more often: Eating smaller meals may help avoid shortness of breath and put less pressure on your diaphragm.
- Meal prep: To cut down on cooking time, consider setting aside each week to prepare your meals ahead of time, or freeze leftovers when you make a large meal. Keeping nutritious meals on hand will help you stay fueled on the days you don’t feel motivated to cook.
- Indulge in your favorites: Incorporate your favorite dishes into your weekly menu so that mealtime doesn’t become boring. Enjoying your favorite foods doesn’t have to mean derailing your diet or health goals as long as you remember to indulge in moderation.
Note: Medications and Your Diet
Certain medications you take as a lung-affected Alpha may interfere with the body’s absorption of some nutrients. Make sure to check with your physician to see if there are any dietary restrictions you should adhere to while taking your prescribed medications. You can learn more about the interactions between diet and some medications here.