Understanding Pulmonary Function Testing

Pulmonary Function Tests

While there are many tests and tools for looking at lung health, pulmonary function tests (PFTs) deserve special attention. That’s because many Alphas report that PFTs are hard to understand. Download Pulmonary Function Tests as a PDF. What are pulmonary function tests? PFTs are breathing tests that involve blowing into a tube. You do them…

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Understanding Pulmonary Function Testing


Spirometry is the simplest and most common pulmonary function test. Here’s how you do the test: Put on a nose clip, so air can’t escape through your nose. Wrap your mouth around the mouthpiece of the spirometer. Breathe in as deeply as you can. Blast your breath out as long and as hard as you…

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Understanding Pulmonary Function Testing

Lung Volumes Testing

To find out more about your lung health, your doctor may order lung volumes as part of your pulmonary function testing. Lung volumes testing measures eight separate volumes of air: Total Lung Capacity (TLC) is the maximum amount of air that your lungs can hold. This is measured at the very top of an inhalation. Vital…

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Understanding Pulmonary Function Testing

Diffusing Capacity (DLCO)

Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) may include a diffusing capacity (DLCO) test. This test measures how well gases like oxygen move from your lungs into your blood. Download Diffusing Capacity (DLCO) as a PDF. How do we measure diffusing capacity? There are several ways to measure diffusing capacity. The “ten-second single breath-hold technique” is the most…

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Understanding Pulmonary Function Testing

Arterial Blood Gases and Pulse Oximetry

Testing levels of arterial blood gases (ABGs) gives your doctor important information about your lung health. ABG tests show how well your lungs take in oxygen from your blood and get carbon dioxide out. Download Arterial Blood Gases and Pulse Oximetry as a PDF. How do we measure arterial blood gases? Your doctor will take…

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Understanding Pulmonary Function Testing

Glossary of Pulmonary Function Terms

If you’re talking to your doctor about pulmonary function testing, it helps to know key terms. This glossary contains some common words your doctor may use when talking about lung disease and tests for lung function. Download Glossary of Pulmonary Function Terms as a PDF. Glossary Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency – A genetic condition that can…

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